
Hello everyone! I have just published Chapter 5 of my story,  The Story of Prophet Joseph. 
          	FYI, this will be the last chapter to be published before the month of Ramadan that begins in about two days In Sha Allah! 
          	To my Muslim Readers I say Ramadan Mubarak in advance and May Allah SWT enable you to get the most from this holy month and bless it for you! 


Assalamu alaikum. I hope this meets you in good health.
          I came here to say thank you for your votes on all my books. You have no idea what it means to me. I really really really appreciate it.
          I would love it if you could leave a review about the books!
          Thank you in advance!
          Fee amanillah. 


@khadijaholmes I am sorry I am just seeing your message. I've been off Wattpad for a while.
            I'll still write it, though. 
            I would be glad to receive a mail from you.


@khadijaholmes Yaa Allah!!! I am literally close to tears. 
            When I asked for a review, I didn't know I was going to get such beautiful words from you. 
            You have no idea what this means to me.
            Thank you thank you thank you soooooo much for taking your time to write out this beautiful review. 
            May Allah perfect all that concerns you!
            Jazakillahu khair..


.... Continued:
            Let me end by not forgetting to say how I absolutely loved the way you utilized a common phone to illustrate the difference between a "wrapped" and a "covered" Muslimah in the your story, 'The Halal Way'!!!  It was brilliant!
            Okay, I think I've said enough for now. O I can't wait for the next chapter of your sequel In Sha Allah!
            Fi amanillah dear sister,


 Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said: "Trials & tribulations are like the cold & heat, if a person understood that there is no avoiding them, he would not become angry when they afflict him nor would he be annoyed or grieve due to them."


@Slave_of_Ar-Rahman So true! Shukran Jazakallahu Khairan! 


You know when you are going through Some hardship and you come across a post/reel which strengthens your imaan and hope in Allah swt, increases your patience and reminds you to not give up in the mercy of Allah. Yeah, that is from Allah. He knows how to strengthen us in a beautiful and comforting way. It's His way of
          reminding us that He is close, He
          knows, He listens and He is fully aware of our situation.


@Slave_of_Ar-Rahman Shukran Jazakalamullah Khairan for sharing this message. I so, so needed comfort as I'm going through a hard time and this message was a wonderful reminder to continue having patience with knows exactly what I'm going through. 


Assalamu alaikkum 
          Thank you for voting


@Binthabee Awwwww. Ameen In Sha Allah.


            Your votes encourage me
            May allah grant you paradise 


Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu!
          I read your bio and to say that it was such an inspo for me'd be an understatement!✨❤
          You've got a good one there


You indeed are! <3


@sajidhaaa- Wa alaikum Salam. I'm very happy to hear this and also glad that it was a source of inspiration.


Hello everyone! I have just published Chapter 5 of my story,  The Story of Prophet Joseph. 
          FYI, this will be the last chapter to be published before the month of Ramadan that begins in about two days In Sha Allah! 
          To my Muslim Readers I say Ramadan Mubarak in advance and May Allah SWT enable you to get the most from this holy month and bless it for you! 


Assalamu Alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh!
          Oh My! ...i also love Surah Waqi'ah, I actually dedicated the last Ramadhan to memorizing it and understanding its meaning and Tafseer!
          Sub'hanallah! (∩_∩)


@TayyibMussa21 Assalamu alaikum. I dedicated Chapter 3 to you!


@TayyibMussa21 Masha Allah! It's lovely knowing that there's someone else who loves this amazing Surah!