Greetings!  I live in Alaska!
I'm into reading Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Myths & Historical Fiction, I enjoy the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA), RPG's (AD&D 2.0 and 3.5) Strategy Board Games, Digital Photography and Graphic Design. I love to travel - been to Europe, Australia and nearly everywhere in North America.

I have a Heraldry comic called Heraldrydiculous on my web-site.

Need a photo 'adjusted' for a cover design? I may be able to help. Need help with Heraldry (Coats of arms designs) for a medieval story? Contact me!

Favorite Authors (in no particular order) of which I've read at least 2 books, or all their work:
Terry Pratchett, Steven Brust, J.R.R. Tolkien, Arthur C. Clarke, Spider Robinson, Robert Heinlein, Megan Whalen Turner, J.K. Rowling, George R.R. Martin, David Farland, Raymond Feist, Anne McCaffrey, Katherine Kurtz, Douglas Adams, Sharon K. Penman, Sprague de Camp, Robert Howard, Orson Scott Card, Meredith Skye, Fred Saberhagen, Alan Dean Foster, Fritz Leiber, Sue Kroupa, Roger Zelazny, Isaac Asimov, Fredric Brown, Stephen R. Donaldson, Robert Asprin, Dennis R. McKiernan, Piers Anthony, Larry Niven, Michael Moorcock, Dan Brown, Nicholas Seare, John Jakes, Ed Greenwood, Paticia A. McKillip, Naomi Novik, R.A. Salvatore, Jack Chalker, Lois McMaster Bujold, Philip Pullman, Lemony Snicket, William Goldman.

I read about 2 dozen books a year, and have my list at nearing 500 books.

I've written a bit myself, but haven't formed a whole book. I may post some parts here eventually.
  • Alaska
  • JoinedApril 7, 2013


1 Reading List