Pls don't... God.. why is it everyone thinks they're an author? You can't write! Half a chapter in and I'm pulling my hair out! ..Sentence structure is a THING!...paragraps are a THING. Spell check is real and editors exist for a reason. Learn to spell, learn to write then start again. You should be ashamed to even publish that. Ten minutes of my life I'm not getting back. Thanks.

@PaulsMrs no but by be littling someone loke that is horrible. It says more about ypi then it does the person. Words have power over a person. Rude and hate filled words stick to ypi for a long time. So long that ths nice and warming words are never truly belived. Their is a line between helpful critism and bulling. Ypu crossed the line into bulling

@PaulsMrs if u don't want honest feedback and u want ppl to lie to your spoilt face then don't publish to the general public. Your work sucks. Live with it and change it, improve it then I can give good praise, not going to lie to make you feel speacial. It sucked.