
Why are we nice to people? If they are bad to you for no reason, they ignore you and don't support you when you most need. Are we that stupid to let people keep hurting us and we don't do nothing about it!?


Olá, boa tarde Nica. Como você está? Espero que bem. Vim aqui te convidar a ler minha fanfic com o Niall Horan. Peço gentilmente que se for da sua vontade, possa separar um tempo para pelo menos ler o primeiro capítulo da minha fanfic, que ainda está no capítulo 09. Se não gostar, tudo bem, mas não esqueça de deixar sua opinião.


Do you ever feel like you have no floor under you? No one to support you. That you have more bad things than good in your life. You whish for things to change but everything stays the same. Nothing changes. I feel like that almost every day. There are thing that we lived and we can't erase them. That will be with you for your entire life. I wish that it wasn't like that. I'm done of pain, suffer... every day. I live it all again every day.
          You should never leave no one, I know how it feels. It hurts really bad to that person, I know that.
          People change, the most of the times to worst than they were. If they came back into your life nothing will ever be the same at once was. They "abandoned" you when you most need and you grew without having them on that moments. Now you won't count on them for anything without being make you feel worse than you already are. They will never give you the value that you have. The person that is everything for the most people it's not that close to you.
          And the most of the time you feel like you have nobody to support you when you're not on you are at your worst. You're alone but someday you'll have someone that will care for you as much as you do. And that person won't have the same blood has you to feel obligated to worry. You'll have what you deserve. (I write this to myself to remember that I will be okay. Maybe you'll read this and will help you too)


@hacidus  I know, thanks <3 <3  Same thing for you! ;) (always)


@kikinhax im here for u, okay?! «333


Eu vi que você vai publicar sua historia em inglês, e queria saber... Você traduz pelo google ou tem alguém pra te ajudar que saiba inglês? Porque eu queria traduzir a minha, mas o google erra muito.


@h4llysant  traduzo eu própria e as palavras que não tenho a certeza se estão bem escritas ou assim vou ver ao google. Até para encontrar palavras que enquadrem melhor nas frases dá jeito. 
            Pois, o google para traduzir textos ou até frases não dá pois fica sem sentido nenhum.


Uns drogam-se, outros bebem, eu escrevo. Cada um tem o seu refugio, mas o problema é quando o efeito passa, todos os problemas continuam sem desaparecer.
          Esses refúgios só servem para fugir um bocado, tudo vai acabar no mesmo... A única coisa que podemos fazer é aproveitar essas escapadelas ao máximo.