
Hey y’all, sorry to spam you with messages, but I thought I’d give you an update on TDOB since I’ve made some big decisions about it! 
          	As you have probably realized by now, I keep saying I’m going to post it and then never do. This is because I want the book to have at least a semi-logical plot, decently written romance and some good plot twists! 
          	Since I’m not a very good writer, this book has taken me an inordinate amount of time to figure out- multiple years, in fact. But I think I have grown and improved a great deal since the last version of TDOB, and I will be finishing the book- in full- during NaNoWriMo in November this year. 
          	After that I will be posting the book- in full- during the month of December, FOR REAL. I know I have the worst track record, and that’s my bad for never following through...but this is *really* it, friends! 
          	If you’re also doing NaNo or you’d like to check on TDOB’s progress throughout November, feel free to find me on the NaNo website! My username is thedisreputabletomato and there’s a link to my NaNo page in my bio.
          	Peace and love be with all of you. Thank you for patiently sticking with me! 
          	~ Tomato


Yay!!!!! I am so excited!!!


@killertomatoes this is great news! good luck with nano beloved 


          	  This is all I wanted for Christmas.
          	  Also you are an excellent writer and I live for your words.


Hey hey! Just dropping in to say thank you for all your comments on Hidden Truths! I LOVE them and appreciate you reading so much! 
          It makes me so happy to hear that others are enjoying this story and I can't wait to hear what you think as the story progresses! :) 


My pleasure! It’s a fantastic read! :) I’m so excited to see where the story goes next. 


          Thank you so much for your votes on my ONC entry 'Turn the Paige' and my fantasy story 'Pacific Reflections' 
          I appreciate it so much and would love to know what you thought of them ❤


@killertomatoes Thank you very much. I'll be expecting you :)


@Evergreen_Ebony my pleasure, they're both wonderful. you have a beautiful writing style. i'll try to remember to go and comment my thoughts :)


hey! thank you for all the votes & support on my onc entry, “novyye saints!” i really appreciate it and would love to know what you like most about it so far! feel free to leave a comment or just respond here. 


My pleasure. I’ll try and remember to go leave some comments :) Reminds me very strongly of the Grisha books I read back in high school. The world really interests me. I’m excited to see more of it as the story unfolds! 