That's a good place to start.
So I realise I've been quite inactive.
I apologise for that.
I've tried following back new followers, answering comments, and thanking those who've voted and added my works to their reading lists.
However, not writing.
I apologise once more.
Things have happened, I've lost my will to write... that sort of thing.
I apologise.
I realise, however, that I'm being very... troll like... to my readers and followers by not updating, so here's what I will do:
I shall try to write whenever I can, possibly Worth More Than A Thousand Words first. Then you won't hear from me until a while later. I shall try to write ahead, and keep chapters ready to post in case something like the last few months happens again. Once I get back into my writing mood, I'll start publishing more frequently.
After, I shall continue my rewrite of The Magic World, Update both it and its sequel, and continue on writing it until I finish. But as I mentioned the third story of its series, do not expect that until my Worth a Thousand Word franchise is completed.
Possibly the same time I write the other two, occasional Alone No More updates may come out, depending on how many readers are desperate for its update
Other than that, poems for Clouds of Thought, and new short stories may or may not come frequently.
I believe that is all.
Again, I apologise for my inactivity.
I hope you can understand.
I will try to make it up to you, and will try writing better and quicker. Expect at least an update by Mid May, and frequent updates afterwards.
Again, my apologies my lovelies.