
Unfortunately going through heavy writer's block at the moment ㅠㅠ Once I get back with a fresh head of ideas, I will make up for the missed schedule times. Thank you for your patience, readers.


Dear fellow readers! 'Code Black' has officially ended with 13 chapters! It was a long and very bumpy ride. I apologize for so many irregular uploads, but we managed to push through! I am thankful to each and every one of you who have read 'Code Black', whether it was 1 chapter or all 13. This is my first ever story, so I also apologize if the plot was boring or inconsistent. I will try to get better at making stories as time progresses. An 'Author's Note' will be uploaded sometime next week. We sure did end 'Code Black' off with a blast, huh? I hope you all enjoyed it! Thank you for reading 'Code Black'. See you soon! <3


Hey chat sorry for being inactive for like literal MONTHS just like those ao3 writers who get themselves hospitalized, I did a little silly and dislocated me elbow  oh and I tore a ligament so that's absolutely splendid
          It will take uhhh approx. 2 months to heal (maybe) but I will get back to yall in like a few days maybe 


attention all readers of 'Code Black'!!! we are OFFICIALLY BACK‼️‼️ WOOOO‼️ thank you for your undying support and you love for 'Code Black'. sincerest apologies to all my lovely readers who were disappointed in the announcement of the discontinuation of the series. however, the writer within me just wanted to continue to series since it was recognized by many. i will try my best in order to better content for you all and i will try to continue growing in this area of expertise. again, thank you all so much and i am very sorry for the long delay. welcome back.