It's really simple, all and all, you have to have a computer/laptop.
You simply go to your works, and you click one of your chapter's. Alright, to the right side, you'll see all the settings, such as the "tags", "rating", and "domain". Well, on top of that little box, you can click the other tab "advanced", and add a Image, YouTube video, or something of that sort. Or, go to your page, click on your book, go to your needed chapter, in which you wish to add a image to. To the right of you screen, above the cover image, will be different icon, tab looking things, click the "image" one, and add a link.
The link has to be a jpg. or something image. But, you'll have to go to Google -- or some site -- and get the original image link, to where the page ONLY give that image. Did I clear it up for you?
I was welcome to help!