Nice of you to spare your time and drop a visit .
Any ways,still a teen , still a toddler at heart. I've been on wattpad for years and I did start writing some cringewothy books over here*cringe double time*. But point is , as in case of all wattpaders like me, we've improved(if I like to say so myself).
Do spare some time and try out my book Trix , which to be precise, I started writing 3 years ago and left it at chapter 1 because I was too lazy and busy to carry on.But yeah, I've started rewriting the book and I'm hell bent on finishing it now.
Do vote and support and love and share the book.
Peace and time out .
I love you guys.
P.S Do message me if you wanna talk.<3
  • Well what use is it , really? Just assume I'm right beside you.
  • انضمDecember 30, 2013

الرسالة الأخيرة
kimevans1234 kimevans1234 Jan 30, 2016 04:00PM
Arrow and The Flash are the absolute BEST !!! Who all agrees !???
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