Title: Beyond the Horizon

In a world where reality and imagination blur, Kim Saheli stumbles upon a portal to a parallel universe-one that seems like it's ripped straight from the plot of a K-drama. With breathtaking adventures, unforgettable characters, and twists that defy the laws of time and space, this journey will challenge everything they thought they knew about love, destiny, and themselves.

Follow Kim Saheli as they navigate a world where every decision can alter the course of multiple realities. Will they find their true purpose, or will the lines between fiction and reality fade forever? Hey pookie's let's find out this mystery with me!! 😌✨
  • InscritMay 23, 2022


Histoire par Kim Saheli
✨ Emerald Standard ✨ par kimsaheli7
✨ Emerald Standard ✨
Hello friends!!😊✨ It was my pleasure to be here and share my imaginary stories... Hope so you guys like it...
ranking #4 dans la catégorie redribbon Voir tous les classements
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