
guyss omgg LIKE NEW YEARS is coming whattt?! I can’t believe its gonna be 2023 alreadyy oml-
          	and btww what gifts  yall got for xmass :))? 
          	- ocean girl


heyy guyys! I dont even know if anyone IS interesting in my message thing haha but i started writing a book. Its a random book were i ramble nosense about my life and my toughts that not a lot people know so if you only want to you can totally check it out!⚜️
          ( it now has only 2 published chapters with the beginning haha) 
          With all the love yours,


Hey guys iam kinda back at this message thing lol ! 
          How are y’all doing ? 
          I hope we’ll cuz like guys stop i care about y’all sm like stoop y’all are so friendly and sweet to me omgg ilyy sm ! 
          Have a great day :)
          PS : does anyone know any eq friends or just u are an eq cuz I really wanna start horse riding again ( i quit for like 2 months cuz I don’t have time :( 
          So if y’all have some tips or just stuff u can text there I will whait ! 
          Have a great day 
          Beth < 3


HI BETHH BABY! ilysm. you are amazing and brilliant. get tons of rest and stay hydrated. ilyy - monique <3


OMG NO DARLING , LOVE I LOVE U SMMM STOPPPP. Wish u the best cristmas u will ever have and be happy and enjoy life while staying hidrated and doing ur hobbies and well in school omggg ilyy < 3