
salamm aidilfitrii shemuaaa,
          	maaffff dari hujung tudung hingga hujung stokin tauu heheh ,
          	sorryyy too for long hiatus , will update soonn but dont wait for me <3
          	minal aidil wal faizin ♡︎


Good morning Iq <3 Sorry Reen tido awal semalam^^
          Welcome the blessings of this beautiful morning. Rise and shine like you always do. Wishing you a wonderful morning! Wake up like the sun every morning and light up the world your awesomeness


dah update dah 4 chapter sksksksk sorrylaa menyemak kat noti korang. btw, selamat online class semua :p ! 
          nak tunggu iq update lagi sebulan laa kot jawabnya :3
          macam tak kenal iq pulak ;-;
          tunggu jela noti. mana tau tibe ii ada lagi chapter baru kan <3
          “If Allah doesn't want it to happen, it won't happen. trust Him, His plans are beautiful and beyond our expectations ♥” 
          author paling mengada, iq ♡


꒰  !       ꒱
          ➶Hei sweetie, wake up, have your cup of morning tea, and let the morning wind freshen you up like a happiness pill
          ➶Wishing you a successful day ahead my dear. You have just received yet another chance to rise and shine like a diamond
          ➶Good morning !
          ── ++ Reen kacaks <33


oh yeah theme and dp pun tukar eheks. 
          jkka under construction , im so sorry sbb saya janji nak update banyak banyak tapi tak buat pun π_π . actually dah draft 4 bab tapi tak publish publish HAHAHHAHAAH ENTAHLAA tunggu jela ;-;
          thank you still support penulis noob macam sayya (♡˙︶˙♡)