
Hi there, I stumbled across your profile after noticing we had similar tastes in books! My name is Jana and I’m a romantic comedy writer. I’m relatively new to the wattpad world and working on reaching out to people. I’m sort of passing out “virtual flyers” for my novel, Stolen Heart, and so thought I’d drop one here. Feel free to ignore or toss it away if you’re uninterested!! Appreciate your time ♥️
          Xoxo, Jana


@klvandiver1281 thanks for the follow and I just saw you finished Running from You. I hope you enjoyed Lauren and Atticus’s story. Thank you for reading.♥️


@klvandiver1281 aw take a look at that? I love your family members are Daniel and Paul. ♥️
            I’m so happy to hear you enjoyed it. It was fun writing their story. Thanks again. 


@DanPaul01 you are most welcome! I loved the story! I'm still giggling about the bonus chapter and now have backstreet boys songs stuck in my head 
            Also little side note, my dad and my brother's names are daniel paul (my brother is the 2ND)... I found it amusing lol
            Looking forward to reading more of your work in the future. Loved the characters and storyline, and it was very well written. ❤️


Thanks for the follow ❤️


@klvandiver1281 hahaha well... I appreciate you silent or not☺️


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@laurenwolfe12 I lost it when she pepper sprayed him and Gloria was such an amazing character ❤️, they all were, but I feel like Gloria and I are soul sisters lol 
            I have the fall apart in my reading list. I am eager to read that as well. I enjoy the way you write, and will happily read whatever you put out. I am usually a silent reader (I know, I suck) but I have to say, you are in my top 5 authors. Keeping doing it, cuz you're doing A-FUCKING-MAZING!!!!!


@klvandiver1281 yay! I’m so glad❤️❤️