
Hey, readers,
          	I have some horrible news! My laptop had broken down a few nights ago, hence leaving me unable to update DMBFB! I guarantee the chapter is complete, so when I find a working computer to update (considering I don't have the completed chapter on my phone) it will be up ASAP! And as a "I'm sorry" gift, the next chapter will follow closely behind.
          	I'm truly sorry, readers 
          	-Kaitlyn xo


Hey, readers,
          I have some horrible news! My laptop had broken down a few nights ago, hence leaving me unable to update DMBFB! I guarantee the chapter is complete, so when I find a working computer to update (considering I don't have the completed chapter on my phone) it will be up ASAP! And as a "I'm sorry" gift, the next chapter will follow closely behind.
          I'm truly sorry, readers 
          -Kaitlyn xo


          Apologies to everyone who was still reading it.
          I had held off the date as much as I can, but if you are still interested in reading my books, go to the rewritten version as it will be quite similar just with much more detail and depth.
          Thanks to everyone who had supported that book, and I hope the rewritten version receives the same love!
          Kaitlyn xx


Loved your book.I was wondering if anyhow I can . . get . . physical copies of your book.have you made physical book?if yes than where can I buy it?!


Hi! Thank u so much :) hearing things like that truly brightens my day! With my books, I'm currently writing them on my laptops and when they are finished and edited I give them to a few of my English teachers (since I'm only at the end of year 9) and they read it to me. If all goes well, my mother has a friend who does printing for books and whatnot so I'll be able to give her my thumb drive so she can print it for me! Of course it may take a few month or so but I plan on speeding up the process! I hope you are reading the "Rewritten" version of DMBFB as it is the new permanent version- the one to be printed :)) 
            Thank so u much for asking. 
            Kaitlyn xx