
Been a hot minute since I've been on here! How are you guys? So much has happened lately!! You can follow the socials in bio to keep up with my posts! I've been reading and picking up on writing my poetry! "In My Feelings" is available for purchase via Amazon (collection of poetry from 2015-mid 2021). I'm thinking of writing another story and I hope you guys will like it :)


Been a hot minute since I've been on here! How are you guys? So much has happened lately!! You can follow the socials in bio to keep up with my posts! I've been reading and picking up on writing my poetry! "In My Feelings" is available for purchase via Amazon (collection of poetry from 2015-mid 2021). I'm thinking of writing another story and I hope you guys will like it :)


Update: didn’t like where I was going with my draft story so I deleted it :/ good thing I didn’t publish it because that would be a bummer 
          But working on an updated poetry writing in 2019 it’ll be short since last minute but it’s about mental health and real feelings and what not so I hope
          You enjoy it 


Hey everyone! Been MIA with writing but I’m working on a new story now. Saving them as drafts so I can make changes easily and proof read the story. I hope this will be a great book. Got so many ideas I’m trying to put together! Stay tune