My name is Kadin and I am an eighth grade nerdy band geek with writer's block!
  • InscritMay 1, 2014

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krmilz26 krmilz26 Aug 19, 2015 02:26AM
So I've decided that I would like to post the first chapter of my story Insignificance and see what all of you guys think of it!  If you read it, I would live to receive feedback as soon as possible...
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Histoires par Krmilz26
Insignificance par krmilz26
VERY loosely based on historical events. The protagonist "Leo" is on his way through college when h...
ranking #41 dans la catégorie brighton Voir tous les classements
More Than Friends (A Short Story) par krmilz26
More Than Friends (A Short Story)
This was originally a touching romance novel but due to writer's block, it has transformed into a short story...
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