
Hello to the few that are still following me, I am sorry for my long absence, but I will begin posting more, including installments of Crowchild, continuation of Tunnel Masters, and begin a comedy I have been brainstorming for quite some time.


It is called crowchild a person is possessed by the devil and he is used as a messanger of death. The crow child was doomed as the father sold his first borns soul to the devil in irder to save his wife. Crowchild tries to kill itself many times only to feed the devil stronger within the crowchild. Follow this homesick hopeless romantic as he is far away from his home in hell as it falls in and out of love and crowchild moves up the ranks to become the next grim reaper. 
          This is the discription of my graphic novel crowchild. I need you to find a name for a female and or male uncommon devilish or underworldly names is what I need contest ends april 20th  amd winners get their own fanfiction and sighned artwork for said fan fiction. A different winner will be chosen for both the female amd male name category


Crowchild was a suisidal 14 year old who had attmepted suiside 10 times each time mysteriously not dying and after each attempt he/she became stronger, later he/she finds her/his dad in order to save his wife from dying while giving birth to (insertepicnamehere) sold the soul of his first born to the devil. The devil made great plans putting words in his/her head and mouth first to better his/her social status, giving him answers on tests and telling her/him what to say to girls/boys but soon he/she became possessed as the devil planned at the age of 10 he/she tried to kill the devil from riding his/her bike off a clift lanfing on his/her neck but crowboys love for danger and thirst for death. Fallow him/her as he/she moves up the line to become the next grim reaper


I need a character to play crowboy, the person who comes up with the best name wins sign origionl Spritboy and tunnel masters artwork as well as a mystery poem only the winners will ever see. Follow and inbox me names to win


Part One of Spiritboy is now posted. WARNING the part was written on my phone and is un-edited. Please excuse any and all run on sentences, mispelled or incorrect words and please be patient with my phone as it is impossible to edit grammar and punctuation when writing on it. All mistakes will be fixed later today.