OH! *whispers* okay then we ride camels, eat rice with our hands, sit on cushions..err where these black arab gowns *scratches head* OH OH have wars with swords...umm thats it i suppose?
yes hot and humid *cries* u die out there! but in winter it gets pretty cold, freezing cold, never snows, often rains, but MEH still cold o.O
AHH IKR I GET TO TRAVEL *sticks out tongue* This is the first time he takes my begging into consideration, my dad's A Doctor, and he works for the Red Crescent, its like the Red Cross ^.^ so he goes to Malaysia, India,China, America, blah blah blah
HA! u gave me an idea *eyes twinkle mischievously IM WEARING A COWBOY HAT TO SCHOOL TOMOROW! i dnt think it'll fit my fugly giant hippo costume...which im supposed to sue the school for mixing up the sizes...again..for.
*SIGH* i talk too much *tapes mouth with duck-tape*