@-3XCLUS1V3_24R4RE- hiii sweetheart I am good I saw you commented on my mb on my birthday it passed but thank you for being so caring I'm doing good and you?
Hi guys yes I left some stories for y'all to read some of them I deleted because of cringe but some aren't so bad so enjoy your reading ^^
I will be on my other accounts now peace out❤️
I'm leaving Wattpad forever. Bye guys. I'm sorry I'm not sad but I am upset about something bothering me but it's personal I don't really wanna say much. Remember me everyday okay. I gotta go. Baiiiii :(
I feel bad for people who fall in love with the wrong person like I know it hurts. But like I'm single and I'm waiting until someone DMS me to be my boyfriend and of course daddy since I'm a little :( but I can't do online :( and I know my guy bestie is stronger than that. I give him advice but he just I don't know honestly it's complicated. I want the best for him but he just falls in love with anyone he sees and then doesn't know that relationship won't last longer than I have been loyal to him yk? But ehh... he says I'm too old for him he's literally 15 years old I'm 17 and next year I turn 18 years old a three year gap doesn't hurt. But ehhh... can't really do much but tell him I've been here when he needed me and I still am. He just doesn't see that he belongs a lover like me I'm loyal and no I never let boys suffer I'm an angel I would never hurt someone's feelings just for fun that's not how I am guys. So give me advice please!? Should I talk to him about how I feel? Or... just let it be?
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