Happy December! I haven't updated any of my works in the past what- 6 months I guess it has been? I actually had to spend some time in the hospital from late June to July and it for sure has been a long recovery. Thankfully I'm doing better now and have some energy in me to write!
Some happy news - They're My Girls hit 3k reads! I seriously can't believe that's real. It feels like just yesterday it hit 1k.
I've been working on almost all of my published stories the past week, including renaming a few of them. Anxious and Oblivious, Like a Daughter, Pushing Daisy, They're My Girls, and Protecting Valerie and Amelia are all being updated and/or rewritten, so make sure to go check them all out!
As always, thank you for reading my works and interacting with them! It truly means the world to me to see reads, votes, and comments.
If I don't make another announcement until 2022, remember that I appreciate you all and wish you joy and love for the new year!