What up people!? 
This is your slightly crazy and maybe not so qualified writing pilot speaking!
Please, enjoy this flight to the crazy ideas in my head and in case of an emergency such as deranged ghosts or killer penguins or hallucinogenic unicorns know that the power button is located on your laptop and is your escape from these fiends.
Thank you for listening and know that those 'complementary' snacks and drinks will be charged for during your jet lag, ohmigod this book is over state of mind.
See you on the other side and please, remember to take your goddamn books off the damn airplane and don't forget your phone charger or small children.
Thank you!
And enjoy, well, whatever my book are.
  • The Shire
  • EntrouMarch 23, 2014

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lady_from_the_north lady_from_the_north Dec 12, 2015 11:34AM
so its frustrating me because I read this story ages ago and I deleted from my library and can't find it again. I can't remember the author or title but the plot was about a girl who has parents tha...
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