
I forgot how to answer basic division and still embarrassed for myself because its infront of the whole class the teacher made us answer in the board :((


all of the good adaptation taht im reading is getting deleted by the one who's adapting it which is sad because the story is so good:(


there's a lot and im very dissapointed, :(


@lala_lisa_m97 also cornered by the ceo 


Eversince pandemic everyday, i would always feel insecure to myself. During face to face circle of friends are very beautiful, they are pale,and many more they are very pretty, while i was tan, right now all of them became more beautiful while i was still the same. 


I regret it, im just trying to find something were i can put my radiation glass, so i looked at my dads cabinet amd saw a blue pouch for eye glasses but when i touch it its so soft then i got curious so i open it when i saw the bottom i saw a small hole in their and that's where i new it, its something for sd, i regret it, its kinda traumatizing T_T. 


I want to bury myself very deep, today we have a report in T.L.E we are 5 in the group but only me and the other 1 participate so we have no choice because one have to present so i have to read all of it alone and i am an shytype don't like it but have no choice, i was very nervous and there are lots of unfamiliar words so don't know if i pronounce it right but in the midway of reporting out teacher cut me off amd scold because there's no explanation and that makes me more embarrassed, i am crying right now. 


Hey guys! Can you help me.
          Can you guys leave a message for ukraine here? 
          Or a phrase about the war?
          Because our teacher in music is asking us to make a song for ukraine.
          I already have a few lines i just need some people idea.
          Thank you!