
cb  mdzsrpc  !!  specify  mood  :)  moots  can  request  spam,  lit, or discord stuff!!


*     on  wwx,   and  xl!   maybe..   @lanheirs  too


*    hi  lit  +   dm  stuff  for  laoqings  rawr  


he  sensed  the  presence  of  his  younger  brother  but  dare  not  raise  his  head  or  open  his  eyes  in  fear  of  letting  the  tears  escape.     “ oh,  you  mustn’t  waste  your  time  with  a  fool  like  me,  my  dear  didi.  go  make  up  for  the  lost  time  with  wei  wuxian. ”
          *     post-canon,  where  lxc  is  grieving  for  the  compounded  loss  of  his  sworn  brothers  and  for  being  in  delusion  all  this  time  


            “  wei  ying  is..  occupied  with  entertaining  the  juniors.  i  wished  to  speak  with  you..  ”  the  unease  in  the  air  is  off  putting,  causing  hesitance  to  bring  up  his  lover’s  name  after  the  loss  of  his  brother’s  own.


why  are  you  looking  at  me  like  that?   ..  it's  my  number.   just  in  case  you  need  to  reach  me  to  talk  about  a-yuan. 


            yes  ..  ////  i  will  keep  my  phone  off  silent,  for  work  purposes..  if  wei  ying  doesn’t  mind  ?


well,   i'll  be  looking  forward  those  calls.   i'm  sure  lan'er-gege  has  so  much  he  could  tell  me  about.    (..)  i'll  keep  that  in  mind,   yeah?


            ..  ahem-,  i  will  contact  you  detailing  a-yuan’s  progress  within  the  class.  should  wei  ying  need  to  reach  me..  i  am  free,  frequently.


we  gave  his  home room  teacher  a  little  something,    so  how  could  i  /possibly/  forget  about,   huh?   here.    its  chocolates.   we  made  them  together.


            he  is  very  talented,  wei  ying  should  be  proud  of  little  yuan.


just  his  teachers.   think  it..   teaches  him  something.    he  was  so  excited  about  being  able  to  make  chocolates  this  year. 


            you  hand  out  chocolates  to  others  on  valentines  day  ?  mn  ..thank  you,  again.  i  didn’t  know  that  a-yuan  knew  my  favourite..  he  is  very  attentive.


honestly,   i  should  be  jealous  of  you.    you're  all  he  talks  about  as  soon  as  he  gets  in  the  car.    


            you  are  both  welcome,  i  see  no  problem  with  it..  but  only  if  you  are  comfortable  with  that.


visit  you..   at  your  place?   you  sure  that's  not  overstepping?   


            if..  it  is  causing  trouble,  wei  ying  is  welcome  to  come  visit  them  with  a-yuan.  they  would  not  complain.


i  thought  i  told  you  to  get  /lost/,   lan  wangji. 


            ..  come  back  to  gusu  with  me.  i  can  explain  everything-    please,  it  doesn’t  have  to  be  like  this  ..
            [  the  guqin  he  had  summoned  is  called  back,  leaving  only  bichen  at  his  side,  to  show  that  he  does  not  wish  to  harm  him.  slowly,  a  few  steps  are  taken  towards  him,  the  raging  war  having  a  visible  wear  on  the  second  jade.  ]  i  don’t  wish  to  harm  you..  wei  ying.


you  don't  even  know  why  you're  here,   but  you  seem  to  think  you  can  lecture  me!   i  know  what  you're  up  to—    what  you're  /planning/.         (   and  his  grip  on  chenqing  only  grows  tighter,     and  he  forces  himself  to  look  away  from  the  second  jade.    what  did  he  know  really?   wei  wuxian  was  /fine/.   )


            because  i—  !  i  ..-   
            [  but  the  jade’s  voice  fails,  buried  words  lodged  in  his  throat,  unmoving  in  spite  of  the  anxieties  he  faces.  he  doesn’t  have  much  of  a  reason  other  than  love.  ]


the  last  time  they  saw  one  another  was  ..    high  school,   really.    and  wei  ying  was  sure  lan   zhan  was  annoyed  with  him  the  last  time  they  interacted.    or  well–   he  wasn't  sure  what  happened  to  them.    he'd  been  too  interested  in  lan  zhan's  personal  space  that  it  didn't  end  well.    he  supposed  he's  changed,   for  the  most  part.   finding  an  infant  in  a  basket  at  your  doorstep  will  do  that  to  you;     he  had  to  take  on  double  shifts  at  a  shitty  job  he  had  just  to  provide  for  him.   (   and  really,   thank  god  his  next  door  neighbor  was  a  saint  to  agree  to  watch  him.   )    little  a-yuan  was  a  joy,   though.      he  unfortunately  had  gotten  thinner,   just  from  cutting  back  what  he  needed  to  provide  for  yuan.    wei  ying  had  to  wear  really  baggy  clothes  now.      
          he's  in  the  middle  of  the  store—  a-yuan  in  the  cart,   going  through  some  items  they'll  need  for  the  upcoming  weeks.   his  hand  goes  to  reach  for  something,   only  to  brush  against  someone  else's.    wei  ying  is  close  to  retract,   turning  to  the  person  to  apologize  when  he  pauses.   "...   lan  zhan? "


"   ah...   well,    uhm..  you  know!    you..   ah,   don't  have  to  do  that.   really...   "   he  speaks  softly,   feeling  his  cheeks  warm  up  at  just  the  offer  alone.   he  looks  at  him,   really  looks.   wei  ying's  silver  eyes  meeting  honey  gold.     but..  despite  insisting  that  he  doesn't  have  to  help  him,   wei  ying  takes  a  sharpie  from  the  pocket  of  his  khakis.    he  grabbed  lan  zhan's  hand,    writing  his  address  and  apartment  number  on  his  hand.   underneath  it,   he  writes  his  phone  number.   


            “  mn..  hello,  a-yuan.  ”  despite  being  a  toddler,  lan  zhan  still  gives  the  little  boy  a  ghost  of  a  smile.  wei  ying..  isn’t  in  a  relationship  then  ?  and  this  poor  child  was  left  on  his  doorstep  ?  is  this  why  wei  ying  has  lost  weight  ?   he  looks..  tired.  “  we  have  not  spoken  in  a  while..  but  i  could  help,  should  there  be  a  need  for  it,  even  if  a-yuan  is  in  good  hands.  ”  perhaps  he  shouldn’t  bring  up  that  the  other,  frankly,  looks  exhausted  in  front  of  his  child.  


"   this  is  a-yuan–  or,   you  know,    just  yuan.  "     he  says  with  a  grin,   tilting  his  head  to  the  side.    he  tilts  his  head,   before  letting  out  an  awkward  laugh.   "   uh,    im  working  on  the  paperwork  to  make  it  official  that  he's  my  son.  "    wei  ying  pauses,   in  consideration  for  his  next  words.   "  aha!   he..   was  left  on  my  doorstep  awhile  ago,   so  ive  been  taking  care  of  him.    "    he  frowned,   then  grabs  the  item  he'd  been  trying  to  grab  before  running  into  lan  zhan.   he  puts  yuan  back  in  the  cart,     and  sets  the  item  (  something  that's  supposed  to  be  easy  for  toddlers  to  eat  )    in  the  cart  too.   


oh,   cmon,   don't  look  at  me  like  that!    i  brought  gifts  for  the  rabbits.    you  wouldn't  deny  them  food,   would  you?
          *   gusu  arc!


can  you  telllll  me  their  names?   i  don't  want  to  keep  calling  them  '  the  rabbits  '.   that  wouldn't  be  very  nice,   would  it?   not  very..    proper.    lan  zhannnn~


            [  feeling  caught  out,  the  lan’s  ears  flame,  turning  away  from  the  jiang  clan’s  troublemaker  to  try  and  save  face.  ]  ..  some  have  been  given  names.


you  can  say  it,   sure..   that  doesn't  mean  i  have  to  believe  it.       (  and  with  that  same  bright  smile,   he  lifts  one  of  the  rabbits  into  his  arm,    stroking  the  animal  behind  its  ears.   )   did  you  give  them  names  yet,   lan  zhan?