Ok, I've cleared my board of the cringe, time to conquer my follows, library, and reading lists. However, since I also happen to be extremely lazy, I'll save that for tomorrow me.
Ok, I've cleared my board of the cringe, time to conquer my follows, library, and reading lists. However, since I also happen to be extremely lazy, I'll save that for tomorrow me.
Ok it's been like a year since i was last active on Wattpad and I'm going through my message board and I don't think I've ever cringed harder in my life.
i don't think anybody will read this since not many people read my conversations board(not even i do) ,but i'm feeling pretty sad this morning :( I have a really bad cough and I almost threw up, it's 1:20 am and I haven't been able to sleep because of the cough so im just gonna watch some dodie, good night(morning? afternoon?)