
thinking of adding another little something sometime...


heeeeeyyy guys! wow yes i'm still doing this!
          a couple new things:
          - WIEGIR is officially finished and is ticked green for you to read over and over and over now! woohoo!
          - new short writing range thingie has begun, so if you could check that out too that'd be great! let me know what you think, and if you have any questions i will be more than happy to answer :)
          Much love! xo


okay everyone hello there
          now i know half of you dont read these - or my stories but that half that do probably think im dead :L
          good news - im alive!
          bad news - still suffering from writers block! :(
          it doesnt seem to be flowing and i dont know what to do!
          im gonna try write again, after i finish le sunday cleaning, but if i get stuck, which i know i will, i would absolutely love some comments just for inspiration or suggestions! im welcoming anything!
          okay so thats all for now, i will be uploading asap! promise! xoxo