
Ok I decided I'm just gonna ignore the toxic people who doesn't have a f life sparring hate to fanfictional ships you're embarrassing get a life. I would't even have time for insult what's their problem really. And then we Ereri shippers should get help? Lol pls watch your mouth you should respect others opinions even if you hate something 


@ _Eren__Jaeger_  Childish me? Lol yeah cause IT'S ME who is insulting people for a NOT EXISTENT SHIP. Ereri is not disgusting for ME. It's not pedo in every country so if it's pedo in yours doesn't me it is in mine. And pls stop with the mlm relationship I would ship ereri even if Levi was a woman. The only things that's gross here is all the toxic people who can't respect others opinions.


@ _Eren__Jaeger_  isn't embarrassing still trying to support a disgusting ship like this you're the one acting childish. The ship is pedophilia and supporting that makes no sense. Your obsession with mlm relationships needs to stop it makes you a gross person 


@_Eren__Jaeger_ sapevo avresti fatto la scelta giusta, sono felice che gli hai tenuto testa!


Hello!!! My name is Xochilt, it is a pleasure to meet you, Luna told us the situation you are going through, I ask you please not to be overcome by the negative comments of bad people, she gave you my support, please continue with what you like, thank you for sharing your talent, do not listen to the bad comments because we are many more who follow you and support you , please continue to be you and share your love for the ship that we will continue to read you, thank you very much. I hope you can read to us soon... 


Hello, you don't have to leave you influencing for the bad people. What you are doing sin't ilegal so ellos pueden ir a chingar su madre. Sorry, I don't know speak English very well. Luck! <3 I will start to read your stories.


this message may be offensive
What the hell is wrong with people, acting morally defending cartoons that do not feel or suffer for what they do to them, while insulting a REAL person who suffers from their fucking harassment, disgusting, you do not deserve that, and do not stop writing and shipping what you like, you are not a pedophile for shipping anime characters, they are sick for harassing, i hope you are well, here we will always be the pro shippers for whatever you want <333


@ Cerqueira_1420  yes <3


Ok I decided I'm just gonna ignore the toxic people who doesn't have a f life sparring hate to fanfictional ships you're embarrassing get a life. I would't even have time for insult what's their problem really. And then we Ereri shippers should get help? Lol pls watch your mouth you should respect others opinions even if you hate something 


@ _Eren__Jaeger_  Childish me? Lol yeah cause IT'S ME who is insulting people for a NOT EXISTENT SHIP. Ereri is not disgusting for ME. It's not pedo in every country so if it's pedo in yours doesn't me it is in mine. And pls stop with the mlm relationship I would ship ereri even if Levi was a woman. The only things that's gross here is all the toxic people who can't respect others opinions.


@ _Eren__Jaeger_  isn't embarrassing still trying to support a disgusting ship like this you're the one acting childish. The ship is pedophilia and supporting that makes no sense. Your obsession with mlm relationships needs to stop it makes you a gross person 


@_Eren__Jaeger_ sapevo avresti fatto la scelta giusta, sono felice che gli hai tenuto testa!


No ok questa la racconto anche se non interesserà a nessuno, una persona abbastanza tossica ha pubblicato un video contro il mio libro ereri e niente ora tutti mi stanno riempiendo di insulti nei commenti ma details penso che tra un po' lo cancello perchè ormai non si può neanche più shippare una cosa in pace. E poi siamo noi ereri shippers quelli tossici. Ma fatemi il piacere.


@ _Eren__Jaeger_  mi spiace per quello che ti è successo ma sono contenta che tu sia andata avanti con questa tua passione!


Una piccola parentesi, io sono stata bullizzata per via dei miei gusti letterali. Intendo che quand’ero piccola (otto/nove anni) mi appassionava di più Agatha Christie che Geronimo Stilton. Loro mi prendevano in giro dandomi della persona che voleva vantarsi ma che in realtà non ci capivo niente, ma a me piacevano. Ad un certo punto ho pensato di smetterla di leggere quelle cose perché erano “anormali” e per un momento l’ho anche fatto, ma poi mi sono resa conto che la mia passione per il leggere era troppo forte, quindi continuai a leggere. Ricevetti altri insulti e imparai a rispondere con la lingua, loro la smisero dopo un po’. Le passioni e i gusti sono personali, quindi come ho già detto non lasciare che nessuno ti intralci!


Forse ho capito chi intendi, quello che ti insultava sempre sotto nei commenti? Perché se è lui è davvero odioso e mi dispiace molto per te, però quelle persone vanno solo ignorate, perché ha tantissime persone è piaciuta la tua storia e io sono una di quelle. Devi andare avanti senza farti ostacolare dalla gente stupida perché tu vali molto più di loro. Vai avanti e non permettere a nessuno di soffocare le tue opinioni ^^


CIAO! Una domanda... Ma tu hai anche un canale YouTube per caso?


@ _Eren__Jaeger_  HAHAHAH, no comunque ti avevo conosciuto da YouTube e poi ti ho trovato anche su Insta con le live che facevi insieme a tuo cugino HAHAH. 


@ Melany_Brookstone  yeeeh


@ _Eren__Jaeger_ 
             AAAAH ma quindi mi ricordo bene che tu sei Tiffany!! 