So I didn't just fall off the face of the earth for no reason. Since the last chapter I've posted, I have been writing a whole bunch of chapters to post them all at the same time so you guys can have all the information you need at once, without having to wait or anything. I also hated the first idea I had for Cyrus's story line so I changed it up a bit, went out a limb, and was nervous to do it so I wanted to write them all so I could go back and fix things, work out the kinks, or even delete them all if I hated the idea. Luckily, everything worked out fine and after writing constantly the last couple of days, I finally finished them and have now posted them so enjoy!
I already have another chapter written and the next few after that fully planned out and will be writing them soon. This means I will post another chapter early next week, and then write at the same time so I can hopefully post a second (third if I'm lucky) as well.
Thank you for sticking with me, I know it hasn't been easy and I am sorry for that. None of this would be possible without you though.