
Hello everyone! 
          	So i posted my new Fanfic which inspired from The Drama Goblin , hope u like it ^^


Heya ..i just came across this ...and i just started reading it ..but already in love with it ...keep going and i wanna share that .. i too started writing and m new to this platform ..and i want you to read my tiny creation ..only if you want ..m not saying you to follow me ..just read it out and kindly let me know if their is imperfection in it ...i will be grateful to you ... gamsamida (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤


Omg!! I rlly like NO LOVE ur fanfictions!! They're soo good!!


Np again!!


@iiHehe oh! Thnk u again!!


I already read it!! It soo goooooddd!!


well . first hii ^__ hw r u ?!  
          emmm okay
          To be honest I have not been following any of the novels but only novel red eye angel liked the title and i read the first part then  decided to translate it i wish that there was no reason to refuse I would like you to allow  me translated into Arabic  but  be sure when I'll publish i'll save your rights and dissemination of course I hope that receptive 
          please answer me ....thanks ^__^ 


@YouBinSafae my IG is @jungkookie_1 . and before it was @lee_baram . okay . u can do what u want . u r free. and i hope later u read my newst one " victim's hero" and thank you alot!!! 


@ YouBinSafae  in my whatppad and 2 pages of wordpress mybe publish it in a page of facebook too ^__^ i don't have a line too 
            but can we communicate in instagram ?! i think i fllow you before but i forgot it can u remind me !?!


@YouBinSafae no im sorry i dont have KKT . but i have Line . and if u want i alrdy have the translation of Cherry blossom's leaf. im alrdy translating it . and yeah i admit i have some stupid mistakes . u can fix them . but can i ask where r u gonna publish it? 


hi guys!! yes im Baram!! the writer of cherry blossom's leaf. i hope you enjoyed it when you read it! also im sorry for spelling mistakes  . i do my best all the time. 
          i just wanted to notify you that i have a new story of jungkook. called The Victim's hero . pls check it out!! and i will always apperacite ur love . thnk u 4ever . i would never even how to repay you for giving me your time to read my story .