"I prefer to keep everything simple and a secret. It brings less complications and pain"

Annyeong Haseyo, chonun leeyunee imnida.

70% fan 30% student 100% Human
I'm a fan of Infinite, B.A.P., B1A4, Big Bang, BTOB and a whole lot more! Yes I'm a Kpop fan

I am boyish in real life and girly things aren't my forte It's ironic. I know it contrasts to my display pic and background. But I like to lure people away from the truth.

I'm an open-minded writer and feel free to tell me anything, as long as it isn't rude. I get mad and irritated too you know. This isn't my first time writing but I'm still not an expert at it. Comments and suggestions are fine, but don't do it in a harsh way. I have a temper and little patience with haters although I won't stoop down to their level.

I'm still a very approachable person. And you could call me unnie xD. I don't mind~ and if you want to spazz together, tell me directly xD but spazz about my husband and I'll kill you o u ov
  • South Korea
  • JoinedJanuary 31, 2013

Story by leeyunee