
Ada rindu Behi ke tuu


@ leimonadd  me


Hai dah 3 bulan delete wattpad harini bukak balik sebab teringat waseem wareesa. Search notice tak keluar. Rupa rupanya dah pencen;(  I miss the time where I'm sooo addicted to your story. The title with letter D, reading adore and bff dari ongoing sampai habis chapter, waiting for each chapter to be uploaded especially notice and cupid. I still remember the excitement when your notification popped up on my screen.
          I just realized it's been 8 years since i read school in 2018 and still repeatedly go through each and every chapters of your story. They really give me comfort that i couldn't find in others story. I really appreciate your time and dedication in writing all the stories. 
          Thank you for bringing the spark of love that I didn't know if i could find it anywhere. Lastly, thank you for your hard work, I will support all your futures even though we are online stranger and i love you always⁠♡⁠♡⁠♡⁠♡


hi cantik---just wanna say thankyou sebab tulis cerita cerita yang membahagiakan hari hari saya semasa remaja --can't believe I'm an adult now. I still remember, that I used to check your acc everyday to see any new updates hehe. And actually through your characters you made me believe that I could still find a good man somewhere out there when i started to lose faith in men. THANK YOU. I LOVE YOU. 
          You bring spark and joy through your writing. please do not give up on anything, I don't know what you've been through and what you're going right now but I believe you can survive this. I love the way you write, I love the way you express and love the way you susun everything so perfectly. I admire you, one of my favourite author. ♡ the point is, thank you, sweetheart ♡  
          I love waseem and nadhif so much---my boyfies ♡♡♡♡♡