Hello there! :) I know this is an unexpected message from me considering that I was away for 1 month. I suck. I know. :(
Anyway, I've been receiving a lot of questions as to whether I'm still continuing my story or not. Well, I just want to clear things off. YES. I AM STILL, 100% CONTINUING A CUP OF FATE. :) I just can't find the time to actually write because of my utterly busy schedule. So, guys, please be patient and bear with me over this next few days. Probably regular updates will resume by September. (Hopefully. crossing my fingers for that one.) because August is a busy month for me. It's our intramurals and I'm kind of part of the cheerleading team and we have rehearsals every day and then there's hiphop competition and school. So, I do hope you'll all understand why I can't update for you guys. Thank you everyone for your continuous support on my story. I appreciate it all. Love lots, my love bugs. Au revoir! xx