
Between Water and Sky and Finnegan Lynch and the Lunar Pearl BOTH got third place in their genre for the Poe Awards, you guys! :) Thank you to the judges, and congrats to other placers in their genres (Notably @Marc_Morrell , @LunarsFantasies , @Mansi747 , and @Silentcrown ). Be sure to check out these authors, their works are amazing!, and check out the host of the awards @Gala01123581321 . :)


@letusfallup Congrats hon. Well deserved.


Between Water and Sky and Finnegan Lynch and the Lunar Pearl BOTH got third place in their genre for the Poe Awards, you guys! :) Thank you to the judges, and congrats to other placers in their genres (Notably @Marc_Morrell , @LunarsFantasies , @Mansi747 , and @Silentcrown ). Be sure to check out these authors, their works are amazing!, and check out the host of the awards @Gala01123581321 . :)


@letusfallup Congrats hon. Well deserved.


This is gonna sound crazy, but I had a dream that I net you. You were doing an internship in Miami transcribing police interviews (whaaa?) and so I drove down to say hi. And then we hopped on a party bus and drove around dancing. XD


@letusfallup hahaha if I did that I'd be dead in a week.


@MegMerriet Follow your dreams, Meg, follow your dreams ;)


Me: Wow, I have a new character to name. It should be realistic so that my audience doesn't get too bogged down and they can properly enjoy the story!
          Me @ Me: Orrrr you could totally name the main villain for act one Clint. 
          Me: But he's not Scottish, and his brother's name is Arabic--
          Me @ Me: Shh, Clint totally works. 
           #kms #ILetThisHappen #Wtf