I'm not sure how to start this in a way that is not cringey, so I'll just jump into it.


I'm Lexi, and I'm actually the same user as @LexiTheAmateurWriter (God, I think that was the name, but seriously, don't quote me on that). I sort of hate most/all of the stories on that account now, though, so here I am.

I honestly mostly created this just so I would have some form of incredibly informal publication for this originally-collab'd story I'm picking back up. I'm happy with it so far, so I wanted some means of posting pieces as they came to fruition. Don't expect much more from this, though. This story alone will likely take years, and that is genuinely not an exaggeration.

I'm sort of a mess.

Anyway, enjoy! Or don't! I don't really mind either way!

  • انضمJune 7, 2018


قصة بقلم lexicallyamateur
Too Familiar بقلم lexicallyamateur
Too Familiar
Rylan's life has more or less centered around violence and crime-bent organized mobs. Just when she thinks sh...
+2 أكثر