
Oh! And a book might be on the way... just saying 


blog post// 
          I have replayed situations from my past in my head. Eventhough, this is far from a healthy behavior. I do it a lot. I continue to beat myself up about the positions I put not only myself but other people in. Circumstances where I acted out in anger, conniving mannerisms, and undoubtfully, mean. Settings where I not only hurt myself but other people and I was the archer of negativity, maliciousness and bitterness. 
            I am completely opened about my past, for the main reason of, to help someone. For you to understand that I am HUMAN. I grow, I feel, and I change. EVERYDAY. I am a piece of clay in this big world of mistakes. 
            I am accountable for the hurt I've caused. I am accountable for the people that I have directed my venomous behavior towards.
           But: I try my absolute best to not live in my past. Your past doesn't define you. I believe that wholeheartedly. Your past shouldn't be hanged by a thread over your head by anyone.. including yourself. 
            You acknowledge what you did was wrong, you feel the weight of it, you forgive yourself, you grow from your mistake, and you change what you will do in the future, 
            It's time for forgiveness. It's time for me to forgive myself..Its time for you to do the same! 
           #blogger #blog #forgiveness #feminism