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Hi everyone, this is Liyah the one you know and love. I’ve been absent from this app for a while now from this app—I took some time away from writing and focused on life. I got a job that’s mentally high demanding so my weeks are scheduled into work & sleep. But recently, I’ve regained my passion for writing as I’ve been reading different books at work; including mine. I’ve decided to rewrite some of my books again, for my age prior the books were cute, but now its time for a more mature and grammar accurate depiction of my stories. My fan base (followers) is small and plan on expanding it to reach more target audience’s and books everyone can love! Now regarding these rewrite’s the depiction I’m looking forward to pushing out first is “His Queen’s Fate”, now this story is important to me because it has potential. My only weakness is accurately representing the timeline it takes place—their style, language and lack of modern slang/diversity. It’s more of a research project at that point. So . I considered switching up the concept into a modern day love story with a medieval age twist. Just some discussion for those who enjoyed that book, only thing I address next is character differences. As you can tell I openly wrote my day in age friends/co-writers into my books and greatly expressed my closeness to them. Unfortunately, shit happens and life wasn’t what I thought it would be. I no longer communicate with anyone left in my books, my life went on a different path then others. Future reference, don’t write based on friendships and play into fantasies. Make your book a story, not your shoulda coulda woulda book. Other then that, if anyone actually does take the time out to read this and get a little insight from LilBourgeois—thank you, for your time!