
Izayoi Sonosuke from danganronpa is now my favourite character from that anime and every second of screen time he's on I pray for him. #SaveIzayoiplease


it's the 23rd of march and this week is going by sooooo slow because the stuff i can't wait for happen in the later days. 24th is danganronpa anime stuff,(sqeeeeee!) 26th is the same(even more fangasms, sqeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee)(too much squee) and to top it all off my birthday is the 27th. as you can see i want this week to end so I can experience all this stuff. tomorrow come now!!!! XD


este mensaje puede ser ofensivo
I know this is a weird question and all, but...
          the town you lived in is destroyed by a demon(in the form of a little miss waifu) who reveals the villagers in your town were responsible for your mother's death and father's disapearance, they were also planning to kill you. she also reveals she knows the location of your father and that you are destined to prevent a plot to overthrow the royal family. after she tells you this, ships sail in from the distance looking to help the survivors and kill her and anyone she associates with. 
          do you go with the demon, or look for help with the army ships.
          you choose!!