
Hey Guys!
          	I know I went off radar and haven't updated in a very long time. But I really needed to take a break from writing and for my mental health in general. Not only that, but I wasn't doing well mentally and physically. I had some problems that I had to deal with and still wasn't able to solve them all. I finished my traineeship. I moved to a different city, I'm trying to get used to living alone AND my boss is a total dick, making work feel like living hell.
          	This break made me realize that I put too much pressure on myself when it came to writing my Fan Fiction.
          	BUT I will be back sooner or later with new chapters.
          	My chapters were extremely long, and I pressured myself into regular updates. Which also just dragged me from writer's block to writer's block. A few months ago, I had the idea to shorten my chapters and change a few things.
          	And that's what we did.
          	We are currently rewriting Queen of a Fallen Kingdom. I have gathered a couple of people around me who help me and I'm so glad to have them with me for this huge project.
          	Since the chapters of the story have been rather long we decided to give you shorter chapters. We're also rewriting a lot of stuff and changing things in the story in order to fix some major plot holes.
          	Hopefully this will help me to start writing again, but with less pressure.
          	A big "Thank You" goes out to my girlfriend, my beta and everyone else who supported me every step of the way.
          	And like I said... Queen of a Fallen Kingdom will return.
          	This story is not forgotten!
          	Thank you for all the live and support you have given us and this story. We are truly greatful for every single one of you.
          	We're sending you lots of LOVE!!


Hey Guys!
          I know I went off radar and haven't updated in a very long time. But I really needed to take a break from writing and for my mental health in general. Not only that, but I wasn't doing well mentally and physically. I had some problems that I had to deal with and still wasn't able to solve them all. I finished my traineeship. I moved to a different city, I'm trying to get used to living alone AND my boss is a total dick, making work feel like living hell.
          This break made me realize that I put too much pressure on myself when it came to writing my Fan Fiction.
          BUT I will be back sooner or later with new chapters.
          My chapters were extremely long, and I pressured myself into regular updates. Which also just dragged me from writer's block to writer's block. A few months ago, I had the idea to shorten my chapters and change a few things.
          And that's what we did.
          We are currently rewriting Queen of a Fallen Kingdom. I have gathered a couple of people around me who help me and I'm so glad to have them with me for this huge project.
          Since the chapters of the story have been rather long we decided to give you shorter chapters. We're also rewriting a lot of stuff and changing things in the story in order to fix some major plot holes.
          Hopefully this will help me to start writing again, but with less pressure.
          A big "Thank You" goes out to my girlfriend, my beta and everyone else who supported me every step of the way.
          And like I said... Queen of a Fallen Kingdom will return.
          This story is not forgotten!
          Thank you for all the live and support you have given us and this story. We are truly greatful for every single one of you.
          We're sending you lots of LOVE!!


          Yesterday I had my last of four exams to finish my training as an industrial management assistant  and I passed every single one of them. 
          I can now fully focus on writing again (okay I'm now finishing my drivers license the next few months but there's a huge weight off my shoulders now). 
          I'll probably finish chapter 10 of Queen of A Fallen Kingdom in a few weeks. But I wont rush lol. Good things take time.
          I hope everyone of you is doing alright and I'll be back soon!
          Sending lots of Love!
          Your's sincerely
          Ich hatte gestern meine letzte von vier Prüfungen zum Beenden meiner Ausbildung zur Industriekauffrau und ich habe jede einzelne Prüfung bestanden. 
          Ich kann mich jetzt wieder voll auf das Schreiben konzentrieren (okay nebenbei mache ich noch meinen Führerschein in den kommenden Monaten aber von meinen Schultern ist definitiv eine große Last runter).
          Ich werde das 10. Kapitel von Königin Eines Gefallenen Königreichs wahrscheinlich in ein paar Wochen fertig haben. Aber ich werde mich da jetzt nicht stressen. Gut Ding will Weile haben.
          Ich hoffe euch geht es allen soweit gut und ich hin bald zurück!
          Ich schicke wuch ganz viel liebe!
          Mit lieben Grüßen
          Eure natvienacho 


          The Wattpad petition closes today! Share it again with as many as you can. 
          To everyone who doesn't know: it's about making Wattpad a better home again. 
          Please take a moment to read through the suggestions for improvement.
          If you agree, please sign and share the petition.
          Together we can achieve something.

          Die Wattpad Petition schließt heute! Teilt es nochmal an so viele wie möglich. 
          An alle die es nicht kennen: es geht darum Wattpad wieder zu einem besseren Zuhause zu machen. 
          Bitte nehmt euch kurz die Zeit, um euch die Verbesserungsvorschläge durchzulesen.
          Wenn ihr dem zustimmt, unterschreibt und teilt bitte die Petition.
          Zusammen können wie etwas erreichen.


Hello Everyone!
          After two years of taking a (very much needed) break I can finally say "I am back and I am back with a new adventure for you to discover, "Queen of a Fallen Kingdom (Natasha Romanoff x fem!Reader"."
          I've been working on this project for the past eight months now and I couldn't be more thrilled about sharing this with you guys!
          This project is bigger than anything I've ever written in my life. 
          If you're as excited as me you can go check the story out and tell me what you think of it. We are currently at a total of 8 finished parts and this is just the beginning of the story. Your story. 
          Thank you for staying with me for so long. i love every single one of you!
          Yours sincerly,
          Hallo alle zusammen!
          Nach zwei Jahren einer (sehr dringend benötigten) Pause kann ich endlich sagen: "Ich bin zurück und ich bin zurück mit einem neuen Abenteuer, das du entdecken kannst, "Queen of a Fallen Kingdom (Natasha Romanoff x fem!Reader")."
          Ich arbeite jetzt seit acht Monaten an diesem Projekt und ich könnte nicht begeisterter sein, dies mit euch zu teilen!
          Dieses Projekt ist größer als alles, was ich je in meinem Leben geschrieben habe.
          Wenn ihr genauso aufgeregt seid wie ich, können ihr die Geschichte lesen und mir sagen, was ihr davon haltet. Wir sind derzeit bei insgesamt 8 fertigen Teilen und das ist erst der Anfang der Geschichte. Deiner Geschichte.
          Danke, dass ihr so lange geblieben seit. Ich liebe jeden einzelnen von euch!
          Mit freundlichem Gruß,


@ littlexcanary  I'm already working on chapter 8 but I had some personal stuff to take care of. But I'm almost done! I promise!


@littlexcanary plsss updAte pleasseee. I beg u