
Have any of you guys watched Voltron season 4 yet? Also it is our spicy boy Keith's Birthday today :)


Hello my people! Just an announcement. I am freaking out about Voltron season 4 today! I am at school, so I can't watch it yet. But if I have time in class I will watch Voltron because omg Voltron season 4!!! Ok I am done now. lol Go watch season 4 it is out today and pm me about Voltron's amazingness! 


Guess who just came back from seeing the new IT movie? That's right me, I won't be sleeping for awhile lol. Any of you guys seen IT yet?


lol probably for the best. I mean it is a horror move, but I can wait to watch IT chapter 2 when it comes out.


@liv1o1 nah. And I don't really plan to. . .


Hi, marshmallows random update on my life and partly my reason for not updating pretty much all summer. Anyway I just finished being in two one act plays. We learn the play for 2 weeks and then preform. Me and a friend got the two main cha in one and the other was an ensemble play, so everyone had lines in that one. Also I am going on vacation again, this time we are camping and going to Cedar Point, the big theam park in Ohio. I will try to take pictures for you marshmallows to the best of my ability. They will be put in my art book if I get any cuz I consider pictures an art form. Anyway that is all on my life. I will try to update soon. Bye marshmallows :)


Wow...Just...Wow... lol


@liv1o1 Wow, thanks! Pretty sure I've heard of that. . . Wasn't there a super awesome character named Orpheus?


Lol... Pretty sure you already know the answer, but I will humor you. They where The Grate Olympaganza and How To Survive Middle School Without Really Trying.


Hi marshmallows so, I just wanted to thank all of you for your support on my art book. It is now ranked #97 in fanfiction so, thank you all so much. Thank you for all of your continued support. That's all for now thank you all marshmallows! 


Hey guys, so I just wanted to let you all know I am cosplaying Keith from Voltron because I am Voltron trash. I am going to be cosplaying him at the Madison Wizard World Comic-Con, so I hope to see you there. Also my friend will be cosplaying Lance, so I in the end we are cosplaying Klance. Yay!