
Due to family matters, I will not be able to update until further notice.


I dont usually comment, I'm book shy  But I need to make a honnest request, please tell me you have thought of seeing a publisher and getting your Claiming series published. I am old school and would love love love to add your books to my collection. 
          Honnestly, your books were the first I read on Whattpad and what made me come back for more every time.


You had a brilliant mind... I love everything about your stories... love asher the avenger... julie the tiny m.e... soren the book smart... beth the writer... kane the badboy... tessa the little wolf... iain the mage... and last but not the least caro the magi/cop... i even love jay the puppy and Mackenzie the punk/stripper/assistant... i just wish Mackenzie get her happy ending with her very own vampire... even expecting mavis on having a story here... maybe she is compatible with that vampire that help soren and beth hmmm i cant seem to remember his name sorry... pls write more... ill be waiting... 


As one of your readers,i just want to thank you.
          For spending your time to write these beautiful stories and sharing them with us.
          Being someone with a monster mind which causes me a lot of trouble,i spent most of my interesting and precious time while reading your stories.
          Even if everything and everyone claims that they don't exist,your stories made me hope and dream about them like a happy child
          Really,Thank you so much!
          And wish you everything best in life!