Hey, my name is Kasey and I'm a busy college student who shouldn't spend so much time on this site. Unfortunately, all you great writers out there have little difficulty luring me back in. I've got quite a broad interest in genres but let's just take into account that I am a girl and I do live off these characters' love lives. :)  
Anymore, I really only read completed stories because I don't have the time or energy to get worked up waiting for an update. But if you ever want me to take a look at a specific chapter or something, I will definitely do my best to help out. I seem to have become a bit lazy in my ways but I try to let authors know when I genuinely love and appreciate their writing
I've made a reading list of my favorite completed works so that I can get lost in those worlds once again. Let's just say, if you have a story in that list, I have nothing but the upmost respect for you as a writer.
If you happened to have stumbled upon my page I encourage you to check any one of them out; you won't be dissapointed.

I love getting requests or recommendations to check out stories, so don't be afraid to drop by! :D
  • JoinedJanuary 23, 2011

5 Reading Lists