
Let me take you on a journey, if you let me of-course, though the forests of fandoms, lakes of endless tears, deserts of heartbreak, swiftly down the rabbit hole, and into my own little secluded garden of imagination. - Because I want you to smile, frown, shed tears of joy and of utter devastation at my works. And trust me, it's so overwhelming when I find out you are crying along with me at a certain chapter, or laughing at my poorly written jokes.

Well, there is no other way than to end this rather awkwardly, therefore, I must depart. Or I shall miss my train on platform 9 3/4, and would have to use a rusty old car to reach my destination.


- Feel free to PM me any cover design requests -
covers made
Angel Academy - topshop11
  • Anywhere and Everywhere.
  • SumaliJanuary 14, 2015

Kuwento ni llelvinall
The Nymph's Desire ni llelvinall
The Nymph's Desire
Adrenalin Nymphs. Heard of any? No? Thought so. Their extinction began 549 years ago but we managed to survi...
6 Mga Reading List