heyo :-) You can read my books... obviously.. and leave feed back i enjoy that. twitter:amayh_5sos mkay byee
  • InscritJune 18, 2014

Dernier message
longnightjosh longnightjosh Oct 20, 2015 04:49AM
hello whoevers reading this, i might meet 5sos so if you want a video or something like them saying hi i will try my best to do it, also i have writers block so sorz please dont give up on meh just y...
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Histoires par longnightjosh
the Suicide club(5sos) par longnightjosh
the Suicide club(5sos)
8 suicidal teens storys. xEmmax xAnnax xKatelynx xAshley x xCalumx xLukex xAshton x xMichael x
Keeper//j.s par longnightjosh
is someone there?
2 Listes de Lectures
