Shameless self promo once again!! I’m roughly 10 chapters into my Isaac Lahey book and half another 3 pre written!! It would mean a lot if you guys would check it out!!!
Shameless self promo once again!! I’m roughly 10 chapters into my Isaac Lahey book and half another 3 pre written!! It would mean a lot if you guys would check it out!!!
long time no see, if anyone is interested i have begun a teen wolf book, love interest being isaac lahey. i’m fully aware that i have like 4 unfinished books i have a problem. if anyone wants to check it out it’s titled monster!! have a great day <3
shameless self promo that i’ve posted a couple more chapters for my pietro book titled Hurricane! if you enjoy the character or marvel in general please give it a read and leave any feedback if you’d like!! have a great day!
hello all! i have begun a new story based on pietro maximoff! i have a few chapters already posted and a few more lined up and ready to go! if you wouldn’t mind reading please do so and leave feedback where you see fit! thank you all!
Hi everyone! I’ve started a new story based on Peter Parker/Spider-Man, if anyone would like to read it and maybe give some feedback it would be greatly appreciated! The first chapter will be up by tomorrow night!
Hey! I just wanted to thank you for your vote on chapter three of my book; it may seem small but any vote means the world to me tbh because it makes me feel like people are enjoying the story. How are you liking it so far? :)