
Upupu Hello once again
          	Um sorry i haven't been active lately its mostly cuz school 
          	Random person:AnD WatChInG AnImE 
          	So if you have recently followed me or messaged me just be a bit patient so i can follow back or message back 
          	Well bye now!


uhm hi  i uhm this is my new account cuz i kinda was dealing with sum stuff anyways if anyone looks here this account is no longer online and this is my new account


Upupu Hello once again
          Um sorry i haven't been active lately its mostly cuz school 
          Random person:AnD WatChInG AnImE 
          So if you have recently followed me or messaged me just be a bit patient so i can follow back or message back 
          Well bye now!


uhm hi  i uhm this is my new account cuz i kinda was dealing with sum stuff anyways if anyone looks here this account is no longer online and this is my new account