l..............l Put this on your profile
l..............l if you have ever pushed
l...........Ol a door which says pull.

║██║♫ Paste this on
║██║♫ your page if♫
║(O)║ ♫you love♫
╚══╝♫ music♫

╔═╦══╦═╗ Put this on your
║╩╣║║║║║ page if you ARE or support
╚═╩╩╩╩═╝ Emos.
  • Reading
  • ПриєднавсяSeptember 17, 2011


Останнє повідомлення
lorleigh lorleigh Dec 16, 2011 02:17PM
oh cool thnxs. soo cool huh!!!!!!!!!
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A girl has a boyfriend but falls in love with his brother and everything goes wrong from there.
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