Hey, guys! Have yet another prayer request for ya’ll. Two days ago, I ended hitting my face on concrete. Luckily, my teeth didn’t chip or fall out, and I didn’t hit my head so no concussion, but it’s definitely painful. Especially on my lip, which got the worst of it all, as I bit it on top of hitting it. My lip quite literally saved my teeth from getting knocked out. I am very, very lucky, and I’m so beyond grateful that that didn’t happen. Other minor injuries I suffered was some of my knuckles and hand were scratched and one of my knees were not only bruised, but also scratched up. The worst was my lip, but my knee was probably a close second—it definitely does not feel great rn, when I’m writing this. It feels like it’s constantly stinging, even if it’s very dull. So yeah, that was what happened to me. I’m most worried about my lip becoming injected, and I’m stressing about any signs of injection, one being puss. I’ve never had this sort of thing happen to me before, and I’m—unfortunately—a natural worrier, so I’ve been very anxious about it. Any prayer on this would be very appreciated. I’ll keep ya’ll updated. Hopefully it’ll heal fast and there will not be any injection. Thanks, ya’ll. Hope you all have a great Valentine’s Day and rest of your week :)

@Miss_MarvelAddict most of them are already healed! Thanks for the well wishes :)