
Hey, guys! 
          	Have yet another prayer request for ya’ll. 
          	Two days ago, I ended hitting my face on concrete. Luckily, my teeth didn’t chip or fall out, and I didn’t hit my head so no concussion, but it’s definitely painful. Especially on my lip, which got the worst of it all, as I bit it on top of hitting it. My lip quite literally saved my teeth from getting knocked out. I am very, very lucky, and I’m so beyond grateful that that didn’t happen. 
          	Other minor injuries I suffered was some of my knuckles and hand were scratched and one of my knees were not only bruised, but also scratched up. The worst was my lip, but my knee was probably a close second—it definitely does not feel great rn, when I’m writing this. It feels like it’s constantly stinging, even if it’s very dull. 
          	So yeah, that was what happened to me. I’m most worried about my lip becoming injected, and I’m stressing about any signs of injection, one being puss. I’ve never had this sort of thing happen to me before, and I’m—unfortunately—a natural worrier, so I’ve been very anxious about it. Any prayer on this would be very appreciated. I’ll keep ya’ll updated. Hopefully it’ll heal fast and there will not be any injection. 
          	Thanks, ya’ll. Hope you all have a great Valentine’s Day and rest of your week :)


@Miss_MarvelAddict most of them are already healed! Thanks for the well wishes :)


@lost_girl_017 that's super scary, I hope it'll heal fast <3


Hey, guys! 
          Have yet another prayer request for ya’ll. 
          Two days ago, I ended hitting my face on concrete. Luckily, my teeth didn’t chip or fall out, and I didn’t hit my head so no concussion, but it’s definitely painful. Especially on my lip, which got the worst of it all, as I bit it on top of hitting it. My lip quite literally saved my teeth from getting knocked out. I am very, very lucky, and I’m so beyond grateful that that didn’t happen. 
          Other minor injuries I suffered was some of my knuckles and hand were scratched and one of my knees were not only bruised, but also scratched up. The worst was my lip, but my knee was probably a close second—it definitely does not feel great rn, when I’m writing this. It feels like it’s constantly stinging, even if it’s very dull. 
          So yeah, that was what happened to me. I’m most worried about my lip becoming injected, and I’m stressing about any signs of injection, one being puss. I’ve never had this sort of thing happen to me before, and I’m—unfortunately—a natural worrier, so I’ve been very anxious about it. Any prayer on this would be very appreciated. I’ll keep ya’ll updated. Hopefully it’ll heal fast and there will not be any injection. 
          Thanks, ya’ll. Hope you all have a great Valentine’s Day and rest of your week :)


@Miss_MarvelAddict most of them are already healed! Thanks for the well wishes :)


@lost_girl_017 that's super scary, I hope it'll heal fast <3


Anyone else picture Avery Grams from The Inheritance Games as a blonde, not a brunette?


@nxvabreaksthe4wall no she’s not! She’s actually a brunette!


I strongly dislike immature and rude boys -_-


@Kittenlover3ooo2019 not one that instantly comes to mind, but there’s got to be some guy out there XD


@lost_girl_017 Oh for sure. Grow up and be a man already. You’re not a child anymore  -_-


“After two years the truth was out, and it felt like a weight was lifted from Marinette's shoulders. Plagg and Tikki both joined their cuddled embrace as the Marinette and Adrien dozed off. And for the first time in two years, Marinette didn't dream of white cats trying to destroy the cosmos. Instead she dreamed of her black leathered sweet Kitty who loved late afternoon cuddles and her dad's croissants.”
          So, I decided to take a trip down memory lane and reread some of my old one shots I wrote a couple years back, and I still am so proud of how I ended my Cat Blanc Revealed part 2 one shot. I remember having so much fun writing this one. Can’t believe it’ll be three years this summer since I wrote it. Wow, time sure does fly by so fast :’). 
          Speaking on miraculous, I am now just finishing s5. I watched quite a few episodes when it was first airing, but gave up because I just wasn’t a fan of how the plot was going. Also around that time I needed a break from miraculous because someone I was close to who had hurt me used to watch miraculous with me, so it kinda brought back bad memories. But I’ve moved on, and healed, tho it took many years to do so. Figured now was a good time since s6 is coming out any day now, and the London special came out relatively recently, so I may as well just finish it. I’ve got nothing better to do LOL. 
          Anyway, there’s my miraculous rant. If anyone would be interested in hearing my final thoughts on the season, plus the special, lmk. 
          See ya’ll later :)




@lost_girl_017 THE SECOND HAND EMBARRASSMENT IS SO REAL. Like when Adrien was ALL OF A SUDDEN FANTASIZING ABOUT MARINETTE… like that was so weird… And yeah, I think I could’ve been on board with Felix and Kagami if their relationship was more fleshed out and realistic. At this point I think they just wanted everyone to end up with someone so they just wrote Feligami into the script. AND I WISHED THEY DID SOMETHING, ANYTHING MORE WITH CAT BLANC. “Little kitty on a roof all alone without his lady,” UGH ITS TOO GOOD. The Cat Blanc idea had so much potential and imo could’ve added more drama without feeling too pushed like the final product.


Hey, everyone! Long time no see! I gotta question concerning Pinterest. More like I’m hoping I’m not the only one that this is happening to....
          So, I’ve been getting a notification that says violation notice. Visit your reports and violation center for more information. 
          So, like any person, I go to my settings and check. I clicked on it, and it takes me to a online browser in app, but it will not load. 
          I have zero idea on what I do wrong on there. I use Pinterest very frequently, but never look at anything inappropriate. The main things I look up is fandom related (Batman, Percy Jackson, Disney, etc), house and character inspiration.  
          I have two accounts but I mainly only use one, but decided to check my other one as well, and sure enough, there was a violation notice notification on there too, but it was from last week. 
          I truly have zero idea if I’ve done something wrong. Idk if it’s just a glitch with Pinterest itself or something to do with me. I also tried looking online to see if this has happened to people, and seems to have, but I’m not sure how recently, and trying to look at Reddit threads weren’t helping. They also weren’t loading. My biggest worry is that my account will be suspended or even banned. I would be devastated if I lost everything I’ve saved, especially since I plan so many character things on there. 
          If you use Pinterest, please tell me you also keep getting the same notifications


@BaptistGirl I also did that, and it still didn’t load :/ even went to email, and it didn’t load there either *shrugs*


@lost_girl_017 when ever i have had that happen i will go to the website and view it from there lol


Update on that situation yesterday with that woman who dismissed me. 
          So, I will say I’m still disappointed, I feel excluded and hurt, but I also know that if God is providing me a way out of the situation, it was for the better. 
          Sure, it sucks, and still painful, but I’ve been in many churches in my life and there’s always one self centered individual who thinks their mightier/holier than everyone else. That woman is unfortunately one of them. I’m just glad I saw through her from the start, but I worry for the other girls who are not aware of her true colors. I am also so so thankful that I am content with my singleness, and strong in my faith. If I wasn’t, this would have made it so so much worse. 
          It has come to the point where I felt the need to consult my pastor on what’s happening. Not to get back to her for doing what she did, but only because I know it is his church, and I felt like he should know what was happening within it. 
          She has tried to negotiate and say she can make two groups, one for married women, and one for singles, but I told her I wasn’t interested. The reason is because I frankly do not trust her. Also the way she stated it was very off putting and rude (plus another thing she said that was very passive aggressive towards me personally, but I won’t get into that). 
          Anyways, to any Christians out there, be weary of wolves in sheep’s clothing. Strengthen your faith. To any new Christians or even non believers, please don’t think every Christian person is like this lady. There are many wonderful people out there who truly love the lord, and are better examples of Christ. They may be sometimes hard to find, but trust me, they are out there. 
          Anyways, there’s the update. Please keep this lady and those young women in your prayers. They really, really need it. 


@lost_girl_017 you did the right thing, Kay, that’s great of you <3 I will definitely pray for them!!