
I am back on Wattpad and reading stories looking for anything , Suggestions welcomed 


I have a request for the bored people n wanting to know what to write have a request.
          One very good detailed for each
          Ddlg- werewolf and non-werewolf more than 20 chapters
          Bdsm storys more than 20 chapters
          I am looking for great books to review! 
          I will start making a book with those reviews and giving credit to the author.


Class soon ,hope theres updates on books


To all those who feel this way heres a little poem or pick me up, please have a wonderful day/night depending where your at,i am open for pirvate messaged on here aka pm
          Those days you wish would end
          Those days you wish u could just give up
          But you cant 
          You most keep fighting and never give n
          You most always fight even though things may seem dark
          You most know theres someone out there for u 
          You most know there someone watching u n caring 
          So remember these three words
          Fight ,fight long ,fight strong,know that u can conjure anything NEVR GIVE N !
          I am one of many who has been through hell n back whi shouldnt be walking but i am and i havent given up yet and i will never give up!


Help a person out im taking all reading request from anyone just send me the name and author ,or the book in general ,i will do review per request this can go through private message or here on my wall, again i am now open for reading request any gernal yes tht includes bsdm and ddlg 


@Becky_2002 would u like to speak n pm or here miss


Due to AMAZING incougagement by @penumbalmine im postimg my prolouge here it needs editing and is my frist book but here it is
          There was a world split into two half's. The first half was fire and the second half was ice. In this very much spilt world there was a government for ice and a government for fire. Their political animals were split two there was a werewolf for the fire half and for the ice half there was a vampire. Now for a point of view of a person from the fire, they will go through a school, there child hood leading up to the school. She will go through a lot of hard ships and fight to get fire and ice as on whole generation. This story will have politics and many actions. So sit back for the ride of your life through my imaginary world that will be crazy because it coming from my head and it is unedited.


@kitten1999jp anyways I've offered to do it. 
            If you're interested just let me know.


@ArtfulPoet i dont bash people on my message bored  but yes it was someone on wattpad