
Wherever you tread, your footsteps bud into great actions
          	And whatever ideas you say… they take to the sky and spread their wings
          	Oh how your charm attracts me in ways unimaginable…
          	and your love is as sweet and pure as the honey that doesn’t need any sugar
          	Good morning @Adele


          	  I was  reading  your poetry it is so beautiful thanks for sharing missindia24 


Wherever you tread, your footsteps bud into great actions
          And whatever ideas you say… they take to the sky and spread their wings
          Oh how your charm attracts me in ways unimaginable…
          and your love is as sweet and pure as the honey that doesn’t need any sugar
          Good morning @Adele


            I was  reading  your poetry it is so beautiful thanks for sharing missindia24 


The words they speak
          are sharper than blades
          And their looks,
          daggers that could tear a skin
          Their eyes are blind,
          can't see what's inside
          Like shadows they creeped 
          Stabbing backs and innocence deemed
          Always lurking in the darkness
          Justice they served 
          but lives diminished
          Your flaws are
          something they gaze
          The truth made me daze
          The word equality is no 
          longer in their vocabulary
          How can they fire bullets
          without thinking the lives 
          they perceived
          Trash in their brains 
          are twirling like a tornado
          slowly messing their thoughts
          slowly killing feelings, everywhere they go
          Dictated by their own free will
          Cowered in fear as they 
          thought it was real
          What they've seen, 
          deception in mutilation
          Power overrule by those who torture
          Torturing minds, creating lies
          The innocent happily flying kites
          But they cut it with pure contempt
          Convincing they will get 
          that chance again
          "Listen to the words you seek
          Don't listen to a word they say
          Do NOT listen to a word you've heard
          Do not listen to a word you've heard
          People are people we live for our own
          Live how you think not by what you've been told"
          In God's eyes we're all the same
          where do you think we all came?
          Don't let them fool you 
          By their tools of deception
          We are all the same
          We will die someday