Hey there, both my recent books have been taken down, however, not permanently. I shall be rewriting each one.
The Five Bad Boys and I shall be rewritten first and then I shall carry on with the sequel. Thank you for the support you guys have given me, and I hope you'll enjoy the updated version of the book just as much as my first draft!

I shall try uploading each week a new chapter and the continuation of your support would be amazing, so keep reading, voting and commenting! If you liked the first draft of the book, then I really hope you reread my next draft after editing.

Thanks one again, Katie.!
  • UK
  • EntrouMarch 8, 2012

Última mensagem
loveyouxox loveyouxox May 09, 2016 04:12PM
Just to let you all know, I am soon going to be taking The Five Bad Boys and me down to rewrite it! I can't wait to reload each chapter! I hope you'll enjoy the newer version too!! Thanks for all you...
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História de Katie-Louise
The Five Bad Boys And Me. (RE-WRITING), de loveyouxox
The Five Bad Boys And Me. (RE-WRIT...
When Pixie and her Mum are involved in a car accident Pixie's life is turned upside down. She is forced to go...
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