
new chapter of jersey...i know it took forever and it probably sucks but its there!
          	read, vote, comment...


Hey there! 
          I'm new to Watt  pad, and I was wondering if y o u could read one of my sto  ri es and comment on it! (vo  t i ng , f anning, and whate  v e r ar e a ll o ptional, i  t s t he r evi ews I nee d!) I ' d lo ve to retu rn the fav  o r, and I will! 
          I know this mig  ht annoy you, but anything i  s greatly appreciated! Thank  s f o r reading this! 
          My Stories--Gol  den Dawn; Karis Gebelin was j u st your typical Hawaii tra  ns pl ant to Manhattan, obse  s s ive to p student who act  u a ll y pro cras tinates ev  e r yt hi ng , and b ound of I vy ; fut ure ca re erist and  c ur re nt fort une tel ler.  U ntil -- tha t is- -she fin ds out e ver yth ing s he ac e d i s more o r les s a be n tr e v ato-- so go od by e model stud e nt a nd st rivin g soci a lit e--a n d hel l o de mon s laye r/alche m ist and au t omatic in dust ry ty c oon--t  h at i s, if she survives. 
          http://www.watt  pad.com/368057-golden-dawn 
          Elven Mob Bosse  s and Rebel Heirs--Welcome t  o a world where elves,well, a re n 't your fairy tale elv es . Ru le d in a ochlocracy, of O liga rch s and tech savv y m ega corpo rati ons, of un  derw orld crimin al ru le, re  s istan ce in this m obocra c y i s fut ile wh en your Kin  g c a n be yo ur dish washer  i n one da y. I ntergala ctic  be st­ sel ler an d future O  lig arch , K ronos fø d t av  Mø rke� �ska la soon fi n ds o ut ho w h is fi ckl e wo r ld mi gh t cha n ge--w it h his help too. 
          http://www.watt  pad.com/368278-elven-mob-bos  s e s-and-rebel-heirs



hi! I'm Yna and i'm currently writing "Dangerous Prince: The Choice"... i hope you have free time to read it... please leave a comment there (I just want to know what you think about it... and if you liked it) or vote or become a fan...
          here are some of the lines from my story...
          "But I have said before that i don't like you!" Urgh! The last thing I needed now was a stalker!
          "I don't care," she said stubbornly. "I won't give up. I know you'll fall for me in the end."
          "What the -" She smiled when she saw the reaction on my face. "I. Will. Never. Fall. For. You."
          Analee's smile grew wider. "I can always make you love me."
          "What?" I shouted.
          She bit her lower lip again, her eyes gleaming with anticipation.
          "You are a pathetic little bitch," I said through gritted teeth. Was this demon making fun of me? Was this some kind of a joke for her?
          She walked gracefully towards me and before i could even move a muscle, she tip - toed and kissed me on the lips.
          Damn! She stole my first kiss! The nerve of this girl!
          She moved her face an inch away from me and whispered huskily, "Well, I am the bitch who will make sure that one day you'll kneel before me begging for my affection."
          thanks! ^_^


hey your comment would mean a lot to me on these stories. Please check out:
          and your critique is also welcomed :) and if you like it.. please do vote. 
          if you'd be a fan.. that way i would know you at least responded! thanks a million :)


Hey There!
          I'm Cathy, And I Would Really Like For You to Read My Stuff, I Have Stories And Poetry Galore! And I Recommend Keep Your Heart, I Want Your Blood, The STory I Am Currently Addicted to writing! (:
          Shifters, Vampires, Werewolves, At War With Each Other. Brutal Attacks From Werewolves Directed At Shifters, Leave The Shifters With No Choice But An Alliance...With Vampires, One Of There Sworn Enemies. Completely Desperate They Send June, A Young Teenage Girl, Along With Her Friends, Include Two Very Hot Boys, Val And Just, Off To Protect High Ranking, Sexy Vampires. A Cute Shifter Wolf, A Blood-Sucking Hotty, And An Over Protective Best Friend, All Play A Part In This Story, causing Whatever Mayhem They Can, But Petty Teen Relationships Aren't They're Only Problem...There's Been A Leak. The Werewolves Keep Finding Them, Meaning Only One Thing...There's A Traitor. But We Can't Forget Jealous Girlfriends, And Boys Who Are In Love With Their Best Friend! Even Though They're On An Important Mission, They Can't Seem To Keep Your Hands Off Each Other.
          sorry to disappoint, or happy to relieve you, no sex scenes.
          PLEASE LOOK AT IT!
          I'll try and return the favorrr(:
          ......DUDE! I got so excited when I saw your profile, like i do whenever I see another fellow poetry writer! Totttaalllly going to look at them now!


it snowed so much last night that we don't have school today .....but i slept all day today so i didnt get nothin done. lol  :0)
          my cuz can't even stand in the snow cuz it's taller than her. lol... she's 3
          i went to the library today though...that in itself is and accomplishment...lol
          i used to hate to read but now i love it <3
          i just figured this out  :^{)}     he's got a beard. lol it has a resemblance to  Johny depp in pirates of the carribean. hehe. wait. or am i just crazy??? lol


ok um i put a message on this account for people who go here. it tells them that it is for sharing files and that if they want to read the book to go here. i put a link to ur homepage. 11 people already read my outline. talk about embarrassing!!!
          (:{|)  monkey. hehe
          love ya